Wood Business

Features Health and Safety Sawmilling
6 questions to ask when choosing a dust collection system contractor

June 21, 2018 - A dust collection system is an integral part of a facility and needs to be maintained and updated properly. The knowledge of the team in charge of keeping this vital system in tip top shape is also critical. This is especially because, as per NFPA 664, the owner has a responsibility to ensure that the facility and the combustible dust system are designed, installed and maintained properly.

June 21, 2018  By Erin Rayner / VETS Sheet Metal

Often it isn’t just one person in charge of ensuring the health of the dust collection system, it is a team of internal staff and external contractors. Making sure staff are current on the regulations is challenging in itself, but how do they know they’re hiring a knowledgeable, qualified contractor? READ FULL ARTICLE HERE.

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