Wood Business

New Gear Harvesting New Gear
Drum chipper suited for high volume, wide variety of feed material

Sept. 12, 2017 - Peterson Pacific Corp. has announced the all-new Peterson 6310B Drum Chipper which is suited for high volume biomass producers who have a wide variety of feed material, from logs up to 36″ (91 cm) in diameter, to brush and small feedstock.

September 12, 2017  By Peterson Pacific

The 6310B Drum Chipper is powered by a 1050 hp (772 kW) C27 Caterpillar engine, and has an optional Tier IV engine available.

At 86,000 pounds (39,010kg), the track mounted 6310B was designed for operations requiring high production and frequent moves between jobs.

The 6310B drum chipper has two drum configurations, an 8-pocket drum to make standard biomass chips, or a 16-pocket drum to make microchips. An optional grate system has been redesigned to allow for adjustment from a microchip to a 1¼” chip with the same grates. Traditional Babbitt type knife systems are standard equipment, or an optional Key Knife system is available.

Peterson’s chip accelerator system, adds load density, or throws chips well away from the machine for land clearing operations.

The chipper utilizes a 50″ (127 cm) diameter by 60″ (152 cm) wide drum. Other key features include a sloped feed deck for the ease of feeding and wear resistant AR400 wear surfaces on the drum pockets and shell. The feed chain has been upgraded to WDH120 for improved strength and long life.

Since 1981, Peterson has specialized in the developing of delivery and processing equipment that turns low-grade organic materials into high value products.


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