Wood Business

Features Mills Sawmilling
EACOM obtains certification from Sustainable Forestry Initiative at Ear Falls sawmill

May 8 , 2017 - We are proud to announce that EACOM Timber Corporation was granted Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Certification to the Fiber Sourcing Standard and Chain of Custody Standard, at our Ear Falls sawmill.

The Fibre Sourcing certification, which is valid until April 2020, further demonstrates that EACOM is committed to responsibly sourcing wood fibre for its products and to ensuring that fibre originates from sustainably managed forests.

The Chain of Custody certification, which is valid until April 2022, allows EACOM Ear Falls to track SFI certified forest content through its production process.

May 8, 2017  By EACOM Timber Corp.

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