Industry News
Morbark welcomes Kevin Cotter to management team
Jan. 30, 2017 - Morbark, a manufacturer of equipment used in forestry, recycling, tree care, landscaping, sawmill and biomass markets, is pleased to welcome Kevin Cotter to its staff as governmental sales manager. Cotter brings a wealth of municipal and business expertise to the role.
“We’re excited to bring Kevin Cotter to our team,” said John Foote, Morbark senior vice-president. “With his knowledge and experience, he’ll be able to jump in on day one to work with municipalities and increase Morbark’s market share in the industry.”
Cotter’s governmental experience is well-known, as he served as a member of Michigan’s House of Representatives from January of 2011 through December of 2016, representing District 99. For the past two years, he was House Speaker. Prior to his political career, Cotter was a partner at the Kerr Law Firm, PLLC, in Mount Pleasant, Mich., and had worked with two companies in the transportation industry, supervising shipments, human resources management and safety operations.
“Morbark is an incredible local company with a rich history, and I am proud to join their team,” Cotter said. “I look forward to helping municipalities navigate and utilize the government sales programs so they can more easily acquire the best equipment for them, which is Morbark equipment.”
About Morbark: Morbark, LLC, based in Winn, Mich., is celebrating 60 years of innovating and manufacturing durable, high-performance equipment for forestry, recycling, tree care, sawmill and biomass markets. Morbark equipment helps customers harvest, process and convert wood and other organic waste materials into valuable, useful and profitable products. The company produces a full line of whole tree and waste wood chippers, flails, brush chippers, horizontal and tub grinders, sawmill equipment, material handling systems and more. “Like” on Facebook, follow on Twitter or subscribe to our YouTube channel. For more information, please visit
January 30, 2017 By Morbark
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