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P.E.I. receives forestry commission discussion paper

February 2, 2024  By Government of P.E.I.

Photo: Annex Business Media

Prince Edward Island’s forestry commission has presented government with a discussion paper about a plan for developing forest policy to carry P.E.I. into the future.

The discussion paper, Towards A New Forest Policy, contains 13 key topics related to forestry, including the future of a legislative framework, sustainability of biomass supply, and increasing readiness for extreme weather.

“The paper is the commission’s first step in a public engagement process. It kicks off a timely public dialogue on our forest and I look forward to receiving this feedback from the public, industry and the commission,” said Environment, Energy and Climate Action Minister Steven Myers.

A public survey will be available soon and community engagement meetings will take place across P.E.I. this summer.

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