Wood Business

Industry News News Mills Sawmilling
Saskatchewan approves timber allocations for Dunkley Lumber mill expansion

September 14, 2021  By  Ellen Cools

The government of Saskatchewan has approved timber allocations that will support the $100 million expansion of Dunkley Lumber’s sawmill in Carrot River, Sask.

The expansion will boost lumber production capacity by 75 per cent from 130 mmbf to 230 mmbf, which will require approximately 821,000 cubic metres of softwood timber. The investment will create 240 new direct and indirect jobs.

“Dunkley looks forward to completion of its sawmill expansion in Saskatchewan and appreciates the proactive approach by the provincial government in its mandate to grow the forest sector while meeting important sustainability objectives,” Dunkley Lumber president Rob Novak said. “The sawmill will add a second saw line and increase production over five phases of development by the fall of 2023. Saskatchewan is clearly open for business and refreshing to work with. We really appreciate the response from the province in the form of a timber allocation increase to help support our capital investments in Carrot River.”

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