Wood Business

Industry News News Policies Mills Sawmilling
Saskatchewan sawmill fined for illegal log imports

September 3, 2024  By CFI Staff

Photo: Government of Saskatchewan.

Landrider Trux, a firewood, logging, and sawmilling operation based in Maple Creek, Sask., has been fined over $9,700 for illegally importing pine logs from Alberta.

The logs, which arrived with bark still attached, violated a longstanding ban designed to protect Saskatchewan’s forests from the mountain pine beetle, according to a government news release.

The investigation began in May 2023 after a tip-off to the Turn In Poachers and Polluters (TIPP) line. A conservation officer visited the business, arriving just after a truck containing logs had been unloaded. The officer identified and seized two piles of logs on the property. Further investigation by the Ministry of Environment’s Forest Service Branch confirmed the wood’s origin. The wood was eventually sorted and the pine logs with bark were burned.

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