Wood Business

Virtual Event
OptiSaw 2020 Virtual Summit
October 14, 2020 at 11:00am EST


Sawmill Scanning Simplified

Every JoeScan 3D laser scanner is designed from the ground up to meet the toughest sawmill challenges. And now you can cover every machine center in your mill with just two models:

JS-25 X6B for carriage headrigs and short-coupled edgers

JS-50 WX for bucking lines, lineal and transverse edgers, and trimmer/sorters

One handed installation locks JS-50 WX scanners tight. This is just one of many sawmill-focused features we build into our 3D laser scanners.

Running a sawmill is hard enough without relying on finicky scanning equipment designed for other industries. Find out why every JoeScan is Made for Sawmills.

Click Here to Learn More