Industry News
COFI’s forest education program goes virtual
April 21, 2020 By (COFI) BC Council of Forest Industries
The BC Council of Forest Industries (COFI) announced its Forest Education Program is now available online, giving students, parents and teachers across British Columbia easy online access to fun and informative lessons and activities about the forest sector.
“For years we’ve brought our Forest Education Program to students in B.C.’s interior, but now we’re expanding our reach. We’re taking many of the in-class and field components of the program and making them available online so that students in every corner of the province can join in the forestry learning fun,” said Susan Yurkovich, COFI President and CEO. “We know teachers and parents are always working hard to bring new ways of learning to their classrooms and living rooms and we wanted to do our small part to help.”
The program is designed for students across grades K-12. Among the online tools and resources available, teachers can now schedule 20- to 45-minute Virtual Classroom visits from COFI’s Education Manager where students will explore topics such as forest products and climate change, the history of the pine beetle epidemic and exciting careers in the forest sector.
For parents and teachers of young children, the online program has an easy-to-download Forestry Fun Activity Book and other resources that will help keep kids active, learning and close to nature.
COFI will continue to expand and build on these online resources in the coming weeks and always welcomes input on new and exciting programming ideas.
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