Wood Business

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Domtar commits to apprenticeship

Nov. 4, 2014, Kamloops - An agreement between Unifor Local 10B and Domtar sets the stage for an expanded commitment to apprenticeship training that will help to keep good jobs in Kamloops.

"Unifor believes in partnerships that can have long-lasting positive effects not just for the worksite, but for the communities we live in," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. "I want to praise the committee for their perseverance and their progressive action."

"This is a deal where we can put the past behind us and concentrate on the future of the mill and our union" said Bob Stephens, 1st Vice of Unifor Local 10B.

"We are pleased to have reached this agreement that we believe fosters a new working relationship between Domtar and Unifor that recognizes and builds on our common interests," said Nels Goddard, Domtar Human Resources Manager. "We look forward to working together to implement the aspects of this agreement."

The agreement resolves outstanding issues related to the closure of the A-Line in 2013, recognizes the valuable contribution made by senior employees and sets a framework for apprenticeship training at the mill. It also establishes scholarships and bursaries that Unifor and Domtar will administer in pursuit of supporting local trades training schools in Kamloops.

November 4, 2014  By CNW Telbec

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