Wood Business

Industry News News Harvesting
FSC Canada releases 2022 annual report

June 23, 2023  By P&PC staff

FSC Canada has released its 2022 Annual Report. In this report, the organization highlights the important work undertaken to help ensure resilient forests across the country.

From supporting the uptake of caribou requirements and deepening knowledge around the implementation of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) – both part of the National Forest Stewardship Standard (NFSS) – to monitoring the performance and effectiveness of our Standard and showcasing its impacts – like those demonstrated in a collaboration between Indigenous-led social enterprise, Wahkohtowin Development, and GreenFirst Forest Products.

“In 2022, FSC Canada’s momentum was spurred by our diverse and growing network of engaged partners, each of whom is dedicated to building a landscape of sustainably managed forests. Their trust in our National Forest Management Standard demonstrates a collective commitment to support Indigenous rights, protect ecosystems, and combat climate change,” says Francois Dufresne, FSC Canada president.

This year’s report shares updates on the strategic vision for Climate and Ecosystems Services (CES), solid wood market expansion and FSC Canada’s five-year strategic plan. It also underscores the importance of marketing and communications to build and strengthen its community, especially through social media channels where it reached over 1.1 million people last year.

“Looking ahead, while the challenges are enormous, I am hopeful that FSC Canada’s values of inclusivity, collaboration, leadership, sustainability, success, and credibility will steer us in the right direction,” says Cliff Wallis, chair of the board of directors at FSC Canada.

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