Industry News
James Leggate Forestry wins N.S. Woodland Owner of the Year award
September 23, 2022 By Government of Nova Scotia
The winner of the provincial 2022 Woodland Owner of the Year Award is James Leggate Forestry of Five Mile River, Hants County.
Owners James Leggate and Christina Millar are silviculture contractors and have a 243-hectare (600-acre) woodlot. They have done several silvicultural treatments on the property, including tree planting, appropriate selection-harvest methods, commercial thinning and pre-commercial thinning.
“Private woodlot owners play an important role in Nova Scotia’s future. This year’s winners show how sustainable woodland ownership and biodiversity go hand in hand,” said Natural Resources and Renewables Minister Tory Rushton.
“It’s wonderful to have private woodlot owners working with us to foster biodiversity as we advance ecological forestry on Crown land in Nova Scotia.”
The Woodland Owner of the Year Award recognizes private landowners for outstanding stewardship of their woodlands and excellence in forestry techniques on private land. It encourages sustainable stewardship and increases public awareness of the importance of private woodlands in Nova Scotia.
There are also regional awards. The western regional winners are Peter and Angela Kennedy, Lunenburg County, and the eastern regional winners are Ron and Johanna Melchiore, Guysborough County.
Nominations were evaluated using several criteria including the quality of integrated resource management practices; employing environmental standards; meeting sustainable goals; protecting wildlife habitats; improving woodlots in general and for recreation; and how nominees developed and grew their knowledge of the field of forestry and woodlot management.
For more info: Government of Nova Scotia.
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